We are also a member of the VIADUCT (Enhancing VIsibility of the Academic DialogUe on EU-Türkiye CooperaTion) program, funded by Erasmsus+, Jean Monnet Networks.

VIADUCT is a project aiming at creating an academic network linking universities and think-tanks from the EU, Türkiye and the neighbourhood to build knowledge on EU-Türkiye Cooperation.

Coordinated by Prof Wolfgang Wessels and Dr Funda Tekin at CETEUS, University of Cologne, the Jean Monnet Network VIADUCT was launched on 1st September 2017 and will run for a period of three years till 31st August 2020.

Following an intergenerationalinterdisciplinaryinternational and intertemporal approach, VIADUCT represents a network of 40 partners and one extended network partner from all EU countries, Türkiye as well as from Egypt, Georgia, Iceland, Iraq, Israel, Norway, and Switzerland.

Core of the project are three VIADUCT Weeks each consisting of an Annual Conference, a Working Türkiye/PhD seminar and an Informal Policy Debate.

The three Annual Conferences, organised by TEPSA in Brussels and Sabanci University in Istanbul, aim to communicate, exploit, disseminate and sustain VIADUCT’s main activities.

The “Working Türkiye” Seminars for Master students from different national and disciplinary backgrounds will be organised by TEPSA in cooperation with the academic leaders Prof Silvia von Steinsdorff (HU Berlin) and Prof Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po) These seminars aim to build knowledge, develop new and innovative teaching curricula and provide a thorough understanding of specific topical EU-Türkiye issues.

The Informal Policy Debates aim to foster policy dialogue and exchange of views among academics and practitioners on recent developments in both the EU and Türkiye.


Visit the website